Out with '22 and in with '23

'New Year, New You!' 'Out with the old and in with the new.' 'Celebrate endings - for they precede beginnings.'

Enough cliches... we're here to bring you the info you need, even if you won't admit it.

Here's what we have this week:

  • 📜 Ag Policy 2023

  • 🔟 2022 Top 10

  • 🤗 Aww, a feel good moment

  • 🥩 Meat vending machine


What can we expect to see coming out of our fearless leaders in Washington next year? Well, certainly a lot of finger-pointing, rhetoric, and daily headlines that make us shake our heads... But, let's focus on what may happen to Ag Policy, because that's why you're here.

1. New Farm Bill: The current Farm Bill was enacted in 2018 and expires in 2023. The Farm Bill traces its roots back to the 1930's as Congress tried to accomplish three main goals as part of the New Deal:

  • Keep food prices fair for farmers and consumers

  • Ensure an adequate food supply

  • Protect and sustain the country's vital natural resources

We will let you form your own opinion on how effectively those goals have been addressed over the past 19 farm bills...

So what can we expect to see in the upcoming Bill? According to the AFBF, the overarching priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill are 1) protect the current farm bill program spending, 2) maintain a unified bill which keeps nutrition programs and farm programs together, 3) prioritize risk management tools and funding for crop insurance and commodity programs, and 4) ensure adequate USDA staffing. Here's a detailed breakdown by title.

2. Trade Policy: During the first two years of President Biden's term, trade has not been a main priority. Hopefully that will change in 2023. 

Experts say focus on 1) growing new markets, 2) establishing a long-term trading relationship with China (treacherous ground these days) while holding them accountable to international trade rules, 3) reaffirming and reforming the World Trade Organization, and 4) working out the issue of Mexico's proposed ban on GMO corn imports top the list of priorities they would like to see Washington tackle.

The Gravel Road's prediction? Meh...

3. Immigration Reform: Farm labor continues to be unavailable, inconsistent, and expensive, so producers are looking to push for a legislative solution. Proponents of the ag workforce are advocating for a pathway to legalization of the nearly 600K H-2 visa workers currently employed in various ag roles. 

Opponents of the legalization say border security concerns must come first before any bills are brought forth to provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. The proposed mandate of E-Verify and capping of wage increases may be stepping stones to (somewhat) bi-partisan agreement.

For more potential 2023 farm policy stories, read what DTN is forecasting here.

Time will only tell if, when, and how in depth Congress tackles ag policy issues in 2023. Now that Republicans have a majority in the House, we can definitely expect some fireworks. So, pop some popcorn and sit back and watch... 

Did you know 43% of people who set a New Year's Resolution fail with following through before February?

Do it different this year by:

✨Block an intentional set of time dedicated to planning out realistic goals with realistic timelines

✨Find an accountability partner or peer group

✨Track your progress and allow yourself time to develop whatever habit is needed for this change (allow three months for your habits to form)

✨Invest in items, people, and resources that will help you reach this goal - don't cut corners

This motivation is brought to you by Kacee Bohle Coaching. She helps you scale your life and career in agriculture. Follow Kacee on Twitter.


Each year DTN/Progressive Farmer publishes their list of the top 10 agriculture stories of the year. Here's their list:

  1. La Nina remained in control for the crop year. Read

  2. The Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on grain and other market prices. Read

  3. Large price increases in input prices. Read

  4. New packing plants pointing to long-term shifts for cattle business. Read

  5. Soy crush plants give long-term support to bean markets. Read

  6. Climate takes center stage with Inflation Reduction Act. Read

  7. Mississippi and Ohio Rivers hit rock bottom. Read

  8. Big year for ag in Supreme Court cases. Read

  9. Machinery shortages continued in 2022. Read

  10. Farmland values smash record prices. Read

There you have it; here's to all stories being positive in 2023!


Bortnem Seed

Sure, you can buy your seed corn and beans from most anywhere. But, does your current seed dealer treat you like the local celebrity you know you are? 

Rad carries the full line-up of Channel and Lathum seeds to maximize yields on your farm. When you buy from Bortnem Seeds, you also get first-class service. You're not just a number there, you're a valued customer who receives great prices AND great treatment. 

Contact Bortnem Seeds today to see what discounts are still available for your 2023 seed order.

Rumor has it that when you buy seed from Rad, a prime rib magically appears on your doorstep before Christmas...



That's a wrap, folks.

🎉Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!🎉

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